
This is my first Zen-Dangle! Yes, you read that right. This take on doodling is the invention of Joanne Fink -- I stumbled on it when trolling for Zentangle patterns. It starts out with bars at the top, then the dangles drop down from there, and then you add the cute stuff and color as the fancy strikes you. Pretty fun! Read more →

Cubic Thingadaily

I used to do a lot of unit origami, which is a type of folding where you make a whole bunch of units and then put them together into geometric shapes. Thingadailies is getting me back into the swing of -- dare I say it -- things. Tonight I made an open-sided cube out of 12 units; three each of four colors. The (heh) thing about unit origami is that the units have to be... Read more →

Thingadaily Dinner

Does "making dinner" qualify for inclusion in Thingadailies? When it's Steak Tacos and Mole Verde, it does. Corn tortillas, medium-rare steak, radish for crunch, and avocado for creaminess. And the mole verde? Wow -- tomatillos combined with toasted pepitos, cilantro, and lime juice. If you hadn't already guessed, it's one of our Blue Apron meals. I have to say that I have made food that I would never ever have made, thanks to this service.... Read more →

Thingadaily Box

Super Bowl! Seemed like a good time to make today's Thingadaily. I pulled out my Unit Origami book and started at the beginning. This little box is made of four pieces of paper. Two pieces (the orange and red) form the "belt," and the other two (the purple and blue) form the top and bottom. The folding is actually pretty easy, but the assembly is a bit tricky. I finally figured out what went where... Read more →

Butterfly Thingdaily

Here is an origami butterfly for Day 4 of Thingadailies! Note the white edge on the bottom wing -- bad bad bad bad bad. Well, maybe not so bad for someone who hasn't folded in 15 years. This one is actually my second try. I screwed up the first attempt so that the poor thing didn't have a head. Also, I was watching the Caps game, so I was distracted. (The Caps won! GO CAPS!) Read more →

Thingadaily Three: Zentangle + Dreamscope

I must say that All-Employee Town Hall meetings are much more interesting since I started doing Zentangles, especially when phrases like "our company family" and "paradigm shift" and "synergies" are bandied about with reckless abandon. During the latest one, I doodled this: Meanwhile, I'd been seeing cool renditions of photos on Facebook. I found out that they were generated with a cool little app called Dreamscope. Well, say no more. I downloaded it and started... Read more →

Today's Thingadaily: Tangle Time

Here's a Zentangle for today's Thingadailies post. I kinda got carried away with the dots, but I still like it. I'm hopeful that Thingadailies will jump start my tangling! Once again, I really got into it and then slacked off. I really do enjoy it, but I have to remember not to be too much of a perfectionist. The point is to let it happen, to go where the pen takes you, and to enjoy... Read more →

It's Thingadailies!

The wonderful folks who brought you Holidailies now bring you Thingadailies! Rather than try to explain it myself, here's the official definition: Welcome to the 1st annual Thingadailies, a free community writing project where all participants commit to making one thing every day during the month of February, and sharing / talking about it on their blogs. What "thing" each person makes is entirely up to them. Some participants may decide to make a variation... Read more →