September Came and Went

So, September is pretty much gone. It was a good month. Here are 10 things about it. We started off the month with a trip to Ocean City! It's been over a year since we spent more than a weekend at the beach - this year we managed most of a week. We ate, we lazed about, we went to the beach. I stuck my feet in the ocean, but didn't go swimming or lie... Read more →

Quite a Week

Well, it's been quite a week. Here are ten things about it. My great good friend Judy arrived on Sunday. She was delivering the keynote address and conducting a workshop in nearby Conshohocken, so she came in a couple days early for a visit. Judy treated us to a live taping of the Lovett or Leave It podcast at the Merriam Theater in Center City - it was fabulous! Before the show, though, we had... Read more →


I've seen several Cirque du Soleil shows, starting in the late 80s. I have loved each and every one of them, too. Last Saturday, Sonnyeboy came up from Baltimore and the three of us took off for Hershey to see OVO at the Giant Center. Normally we see Hershey Bears hockey games there, but not this time. As is our habit, we arrived at 6:30, about an hour early, just as the doors opened. Half... Read more →

Ten Things; Two Weeks

Been a while, hasn't it? Here are ten things that happened in the last couple of weeks. 1. Let's just get this out of way: work sucks. I'm maintaining, but I'm not doing anything that I remotely enjoy. The one project that I actually want to work on -- indeed, my strategic project! -- keeps getting pushed back. 2. But! Out of the blue the other day, I got an email from a former staffer.... Read more →

...And Thank You For The Audition!

I had my audition for Listen to Your Mother yesterday! I'm pleased with how I did. The winner of the "Pick the Piece" poll was Today She Was In China -- I edited it a bit, adding some material and cutting some material, making sure it would be less than five minutes. I got up at six o'clock -- I'd been more or awake since four -- got ready, took Joe to work, and headed... Read more →

Won't You Please, Please Help Me?

No, I am not above quoting the Beatles! I was reading DC Blogs yesterday and clicked through to a very funny post from The Big Piece of Cake. The entry was delightful, but what really caught my eye was the blurb at the bottom about a show called Listen to Your Mother. This show is about motherhood, Auditions are being held in February. Auditioners prepare and deliver an essay about motherhood, from being a mother... Read more →

Busiest Weekend Ever

I have been tossed about by a veritable social whirlwind the last few days. Where to begin? How about Saturday? Joe and I picked up the lovely and talented Deb Siobhan and tootled off down to the Renaissance Festival. We saw many wonderful sights -- including the shows -- while we were there, including this satyr-ical fellow that we spotted while we waited in the medieval ATM line. We decided that he was not an... Read more →

Dada Is?

Saturday night we got together with our great good friends to go downtown to partake of one of the offerings of the Capital Fringe Festival, a show called MANIFESTO! Why this one, out of all of the odd, avant-garde, interesting fare at the Fringe? Well, my pal Linda has known Mark Jaster, one of the actors and creators of the play, since about forever. It was a natural choice. We met up at Ben's Chili... Read more →