The Sacred Sites

What would it have been like, I wonder, to be standing at the back of the cold dark tomb on top of the hill in Newgrange, waiting for dawn on the shortest day of the year, to see the shaft of sunlight pierce the rockbox at the entrance and slide like a snake of light straight down to where you were standing? What would it have been like, I wonder, to be standing on the... Read more →

The Fourth and Fifth

What a fun Fourth of July weekend! We did cool stuff and we relaxed, we ate and drank, we drove and walked. That's pretty much it! Well, okay -- here's a bit more detail. On the fourth itself, we hung out here at home. We did go for a nice walk by the river and down the trail, but other than that, we did some serious nothing. In the evening we got to hear many... Read more →

Barbie Jesus

Today I'll tell you a weird fact about me: I was a very rigid kid, very much of a rule follower. I was really into things happening in the correct order at the correct time. Maybe it's because I was a middle child; maybe it's because I was raised Catlick. But I definitely thought that rules were there for a reason, and if you just followed the rules and the implicit schedule of life then... Read more →

God's Total Quality Management Questionnaire

Disclaimer: I unearthed this questionnaire from an old, old folder. I believe I downloaded it or received it in an email in the late 90s. I do not know the source, but I would credit it if I did. I have taken the liberty of updating it slightly to reflect our modern a-go-go world. God would like to thank you for your belief and patronage. In order to better serve your needs, He asks that... Read more →

See You In Hell

Oh yes, I am SO going to hell. We were walking back from dinner at a lovely Mediterranean restaurant, jabbering and laughing, when a small woman detached herself from a group standing on the corner and approached us. "Are you Christian? Do you know Jesus?" she asked. I do not like being accosted on the street, regardless of who is doing the accosting. Bums, religious fanatics of any persuasion, Greenpeacers, PETA people -- it doesn't... Read more →

When Is A Dream More Than A Dream?

My Pop died in 1990 in the middle of the night, so I did not get a chance to tell him goodbye or to say "I love you" to him. A few nights after the funeral, I had a vivid dream. He and I were sitting in the kitchen of the house I grew up in. He was dressed in one of his good suits. He was portly and healthy, the way I remember him... Read more →