The Octogenarian And The Umbrella

I got off early from work today, so Joe and I met up in Silver Spring and had a bite to eat. We then checked the movies times at the AFI to see if there was something good playing. Lo and behold, The Man Who Would Be King was playing! This movie, in case you didn't know, is a wonderful John Huston epic starring Michael Caine and Sean Connery. Even better, it was playing in... Read more →

You Haven't Come A Long Way, Baby

As reported in this article in the New York Daily News (and immediately picked up in many blogs), 70% of Americans surveyed for a study think that a woman should take her husband's surname when they marry. Okay. I don't agree, but okay. But -- 50% think that women should be required by law to take her husband's surname. Excuse me -- BY LAW? If these people had their way, I'd be a scofflaw and... Read more →

Part Three: Monday, The End Of The Saga

The "confidential" breakfast was everything it should be. After filling up on coffee, fruit, yogurt, and toasted bagels, we went back to the room to pack up (again) and get going. We checked out and caught the shuttle to the airport, where we checked in for our new flights on United, which connected through... Dunh... Dunh... DUNH... Chicago O'Hare. Oh. Yes. Oh. Hell. Again. At any rate, the first flight, from Appleton to Chicago, was... Read more →

Part Two: Sunday, The Snow Saga

The festivities were done, the good-byes said, the hugs hugged. Joe and I decided to motor up to Simon Creek Winery, about 50 miles north of Green Bay. We had plenty of time until our flight, so why not? We got there just fine, although Google Maps lied about the winery's whereabouts. We bought two bottles of lovely wine and arranged for shipping. The nice folks gave us a box of crackers. We hopped back... Read more →

Part One: Friday, The Departure Saga

I thought I had it all together for this trip, I really did. I researched the heck out of planes, eventually settling on flights with Northwest Airlines. We would start in Baltimore, connect through Detroit, and land in Appleton. We would rent a car in Appleton, drive the 30 miles to Green Bay, and have plenty of time for a nap and a leisurely lunch before all the festivities got underway. Alas. Everything started out... Read more →

Stanley Cup, Here We Come!

The Washington Capitals are the Southeast Division Champions of the National Hockey League! WOO! Tomas Fleischmann, Sergei Federov, and Alexander Semin scored the three goals for our boys; Semin's slapshot for the insurance goal was a thing of beauty! So thank you, Florida Panthers, for beating the Carolina Hurricanes and for losing to US! So now we're in the Stanley Cup playoffs! It's the Caps first appearance since 2001-2002. The first round starts next week;... Read more →

The Spillening and the Signening

I got to Saratoga Springs in spite of massive ice storms and pouring rains and delayed flights, and it was good. Except I kept spilling stuff all over the place. Poised and graceful, that's me. The first calamity happened at BWI while I was waiting to board my flight to Albany. I had carefully chosen my seat so that I could put my medium Cafe Dulce (another version of Crack-in-a-Cup) on the seat beside me.... Read more →

At Least The Commute Was Easy

I was so very careful this morning. In fact, I was an efficiency machine this morning. I needed to be at work in time for a 9:00 meeting at the other building, so I decided to leave 15 minutes early in case the traffic was screwed up. I needed to bring some paperwork with me, so I gathered it all together in a folder and left it on the kitchen table so that I wouldn't... Read more →

Can Peter Penis Be Far Behind?

Remember this post? Thanks to a good friend of mine, I have found the female equivalent, at least as far as mind bogglement goes. (Warning: Be prepared -- it's graphic, but in a stuffed velvety sort of way.) I'm wondering how I got along without this educational tool of female empowerment. I mean, I was deprived. I had to discover my own infrastructure with a mirror and a magnifying glass and a reference book and... Read more →