Spectacular Numbers

I have found that as I get older, the things that make my heart flutter, that thrill my soul, that cause a joyous smile to spread across my face have changed. To wit: I experienced all of this when my doc came into the examining room and said to me, "Congratulations! Your numbers are spectacular!" I practically leapt up and danced, kinda like that gal who's down with Crestor. I did not, however, go blabbing... Read more →

Burger Whomp

Today's prompt is: Have you ever invented your own recipe? What was your first one? When Joe and I were newlyweds many long years ago, I came up with a very intricate gourmet meal: Burger Whomp. Here is the complicated, multi-step recipe. 1. Slap some hamburger in a skillet. 2. While the burger cooks, chop up some carrots and/or broccoli and/or onion and/or whatever you happen to have. 3. When the burger is browned, drain... Read more →

My Cooking Style

Today's NaBloPoMo prompt is: #BlogHerFood15 is in Chicago on November 6th and 7th. Are you going? Either way, write an introductory post about your cooking style to let people get to know you through food. Well, first off -- no, I am not going to BlogHerFood15. I've only been to one BlogHer ever, and that was in DC years and years ago. I felt kind of out of place, because the main thrust of the... Read more →


Well, I managed to torque my back out between Tuesday and yesterday (I blame the exercise), so I hobbled to bed early and neglected to do my entry. Therefore, today's post is a twofer! First up, Wednesday's prompt: What are the dishes that defined your childhood? What were your favorite dishes to eat? I've already written about most of the defining dishes of my childhood -- the pumpkin pie, the birthday cake, the chocolate chip... Read more →

Lamb and Liver

Today's prompt is: Who did most of the cooking in your house when you were growing up? I grew up in a very typical 50s household, so Mom was the main cook. Pop cooked breakfast on the weekend and supper on Sunday night, but Mom was in charge of dinner. Mom cooked good, plain American food. Her fried chicken was fabulous; her macaroni and cheese to die for. We had steak once a week; we... Read more →

Who's Cookin'?

The prompt for today is: Who does most of the cooking in your home? I guess I do, especially since we started getting Blue Apron meals. I gotta tell ya, I need to take a cooking course or something, because I am the slowest chopper in the whole entire world. I watch some of these TV chefs just buzz through chopping and slicing and dicing and mincing and what not, and I cannot do it.... Read more →

Beloved Family Recipes

Well! Here's the NaBloPoMo prompt for today: Who invented your most beloved family recipe? Tell us about the cook. Did you ever get to meet him or her? Y'know, I've already written posts about various "beloved family recipes". So here's a recap: The best pumpkin pie in the whole entire world was my gramma's recipe. I'm very glad that I knew her. She lived next door to us when I was little. When I was... Read more →


So... I hardly ever check out BlogHer anymore, because they changed the user interface awhile back and I hated it. It had been simple and easy to navigate, then it got fancy and I couldn't find anything, so I just stopped going there. I still get emails from them, which I tend to skim over and immediately delete. But today the subject line was about NaBloPoMo -- National Blog Post Month (I think) -- wherein... Read more →