The Antietam Soldier

A bit of flash fiction, based on a true event. The entire cornfield was gone, decimated by rifle shot and cannon. The lone Confederate soldier, gray uniform tattered and streaked with blood, stared across the ragged stumps of corn, amazed at the sight. The battle had lasted three hours, three horror-filled, bloody hours. He couldn’t remember how it ended. All he remembered was the general yelling “Fire!” And so he had. He shouldered his rifle... Read more →

Irish Urban Art

Before we moved up to the Philly area, I rode the DC Metro Red Line to work every day. For quite awhile, I took pictures of the urban art that appeared along the way. I really haven't done that since we moved. There are some impressive pieces along I-95 and I-76, but we're usually traveling way too fast for me to capture a decent image. When we were in Dublin, though, I was able to... Read more →


I've seen several Cirque du Soleil shows, starting in the late 80s. I have loved each and every one of them, too. Last Saturday, Sonnyeboy came up from Baltimore and the three of us took off for Hershey to see OVO at the Giant Center. Normally we see Hershey Bears hockey games there, but not this time. As is our habit, we arrived at 6:30, about an hour early, just as the doors opened. Half... Read more →

The Compass Works Nicely

I didn't wait very long to use my spiffy new compass with the graphite point. I started with three concentric circles, then off I went drawing stuff. I never know how these things are going to turn out. They take a while, because after I do one pattern, I sit and stare at it. Then I go do something else. Then I stare some more. Finally, I put my pen on the paper and something... Read more →

And I Thought I Had Clutter

Last weekend Joe and I visited the Mercer Museum in Doylestown. It is amazing. The Side of the Mercer Museum It's a seven-story concrete building conceived and built by Henry Mercer -- the same man who built Fonthill Castle. He needed it to store the massive amount of stuff he collected. It has everything from an actual stagecoach to ivory hair combs. It's a vast journey through the everyday artifacts of America. Because we are... Read more →

Weetacon, Gyroscope, and Curtains

After Thingadailies ended, I collapsed from the weight of keeping up with all that creativity and artsiness. So I went to Weetacon to recover. I hadn't been in four years, so it was high time for Joe and me to fly on out to the Hinterland for fun, frolic, food, and beer. And, we had all of that and more. We few, we happy few... When we got home, we both caught colds. Bah. Anyway,... Read more →