Election Day
At Last - A New Pen

Time Again for Holidailies


Here it is, December 1, and that means it's time for Holidailies, an internet challenge that I've been doing for just about 20 years. I think.

Anyway and as usual, at least for the past few years, I do this to try and jump-start this blogging thing that I've definitely been doing for 24 years. It doesn't seem to have worked for the past few years, alas, but who knows, maybe this year it will.

So here we go with a quick introduction, although I'm pretty sure anyone who is reading this likely already knows me from somewhere or other.

I'm Mary, named after the Blessed Virgin because my Pop said the "every Catholic family needs a Mary."

I'm 72 years old. I'm still working full time because I made stupid decisions when I was young, but I hope to retire within two years.

I'm married. Joe and I met in April of 1979. We started dating in August, got engaged in December, and exchanged vows in June of 1980.

I was a circus clown in the olden days; read the posts in the Circus category for stories.

I have one son. He's a good man - I like to think I had something to do with it.

Is that enough? I think that's enough, at least for Day 1.

Happy Holidailies!
