Alice in Book Nook Land

The Many Moods of Taffy Cat

Taffy is our cat. She is at least 11 years old and could be as old as 15. Here are 10 things about her.

  1. She prefers Joe's lap, but will deign to curl up in mine if his is unavailable.
  2. She is a hunter. We have to keep her inside in springtime because she will try to catch the wee wrens that land on the balcony railing.
  3. She has a few techniques for letting us know that she requires food: she stares at us, she pulls out her fur right in front of us, or she flops over and curls up cutely.
  4. She has a bad back.
  5. She will not take her pills for her back. Pill pocket? She eats the pocket and leaves the pill. Pill shooter? She spits out the pill. We have some liquid medication on the way; we'll see if that works.
  6. She squeaks. She very rarely meows. She will yowl if she doesn't know where we are.
  7. She had a fancypants radiation treatment to cure her thyroid disease. Alas, she does not glow in the dark.
  8. She likes to jump up to high places like the top of Joe's armoire or the top of the kitchen cabinets.
  9. She plays rough. Joe and I have the scratches to prove it.
  10. She is the best kitty.


