Saturday 9: Hurt So Bad
December 07, 2024
Hey hey hey, a Holidailies post during the actual day! How about that? Since it's Saturday, I shall do a Saturday 9 meme. Today's meme is based on a Linda Ronstadt song called Hurt So Bad.
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1) Do you have any aches or pains this morning? I'm 72 years old. I always have aches and pains.
2) In this song, Linda Ronstadt complains that her ex doesn't get what she's going through. Have you recently felt misunderstood? No, not personally, but the people in charge of assigning help tickets seem to think that granting access to a server is a documentation problem.
3) Now let's put a positive spin on it: Is there someone in your life who gets you completely? Happily, yes. Joe and SonnyeBoy for starters.
4) Linda recorded a best-selling album in Spanish, and has also performed in French, German and Italian. How many languages do you speak? Fluently, English and Carny. I can get by in French - like buying a baguette or asking James where to find the library. (Est-ce que je peux avoir une baguette, s’il te plaît? Ou est la bibliotheque, Jacques?)
5) Linda once dated George Lucas of Star Wars fame. Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Why, Princess/General Leia Organa, of course!
6) Steve Martin has spoken affectionately about Linda and their romance in the 1970s. Are you a Steve Martin fan? Yes! He's a great comedian and musician. I absolutely adore his SNL appearance where he and Gilda Radner did a lovely, sweet dance.
7) Linda worked consistently and successfully with record producer Peter Asher throughout the 70s and 80s. Tell us about someone you enjoyed working beside. I loved working alongside the other volunteers when I helped rebuild in New Orleans after Katrina.
8) In 1980, when this song was popular, People magazine named author Stephen King one of the year's most intriguing people. Have you read any of his books or short stories? Oh hell yes, almost all of them. I recently read Holly, which was waaaaay creepy and terrifying.
9) Random question: Looking back on last week, would you describe it as exciting or boring? Pretty boring, actually. Not that I minded!