Holidailies and Marshmallows
Chocolate Chip

Key Lime and Cliffs

Today's marshmallow: Key Lime!

Joe reports that it was full of limey deliciousness.

On our last day on the Wild Atlantic Way, we traveled to the Cliffs of Moher and the resort town of Lahinch. Luckily, Joe was much better and was able to come.

I loved the Cliffs of Moher. They are breathtaking. The stairclimb to the best views are also breathtaking, but worth it.


The steps aren't tall, but they are many. I had to take a rest, but I made it! We were really fortunate to have great weather. We could even see the Aran Islands across the water!


There were buskers singing and playing all the way up, which was nice. At the top was O'Brien's Tower, a very cool round stone tower built in 1835 by Sir Cornelius O'Brien.


We grabbed lunch in the Visitor Center and I poked around the several shops next to it.

Our next stop was the town of Lahinch, a lovely wee beach town, where lots of surfers were braving the waves.


The tide was in, so we didn't walk on the beach. We did stop to listen to a kid - maybe 10 or 11? - sitting on the seawall, playing a guitar, and singing Folsom Prison Blues. He was just great! We threw a handful of Euros in his guitar case.


Our farewell dinner was just delightful, and the final session after dinner was, of course, wonderful.

And so our wonderful trip along the Wild Atlantic Way came to an end. It was too short, of course, so we're going back in June 2024, to explore a different set of sights and listen to more amazing music.
