Farewell, Little Bits
June 28, 2023
Our sweet Little Bits has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
In 2013, Little Bits came out from under our stoop, walked in the front door, and decided to stay. She went to Ocean City with us, moved from Maryland to Pennsylvania, rode on the Cape May/Lewes ferry, and even accepted a step-sister. She'd curl up in our laps and insist on scritches; if you had the audacity to stop, she'd reach up and pull your hand back. She topped out at 20 pounds, no longer the tiny wee kitty that came inside but a strong, beautiful chonk.
Then she started losing weight, a little at a time. She began to vomit. Not just hairballs, but nasty big piles of puke. After we moved to our new apartment, the vomiting really ramped up. Even though she still ate like a champ, her weight fell off until she hit five pounds. Her backbone stuck up like a picket fence and her sternum poked out like the tip of a spear.
Of course, we took her to the vet. There was extensive bloodwork, a second opinion, prednisone, anti-nausea medication, Vitamin B12. She stopped eating. She slept most of the day. She had an ultrasound, which revealed a mass in her intestine. A biopsy confirmed lymphoma.
Today we said good-bye as she purred and fell asleep. We'll miss her.