Tasty Holidailies
December 01, 2022
Heavens above, it’s December 1! You know what the means - it’s time for Holidailies! It's also time for an Advent Calendar!
Last year I indulged in the Diamine Inkvent Calendar, but this year I opted for a less colorful, though more delicious, Advent calendar. Behold, the Walker's Shortbread Advent Calendar.
I love shortbread. I have loved it from the time when I was but a tiny wee girl and first tasted Lorna Doones and Pecan Sandies right up to the present day. In my view, Walker's is just the best. So when I saw that a Facebook friend had purchased this calendar, I thought, "This is a must!" I simply could not resist 25 days of tasty!
Well, that was that, so let’s take a look behind Door Number 1!
Okay! A round cookie studded with chocolate chips!
It's not a big cookie, just a couple bites. But those couple bites are very very very yummy. If today's treat is any indication, it's going to be a great 25 days!