The Movening, Part 3
Music and Memories

The Movening, Part 4

One box left.

It's full of Caps stuff and STC stuff. I know where most of it is going to go; I just need to put it there. And there. And up there. Oh, and over there.

Okay then.

One set of curtains is up and it looks great. We only really need to put up one more set of curtains on the double window in the big room - we decided that the door to the balcony really doesn't need a curtain over the blinds.

Art. It's getting there. There are two big pieces yet to be hung, as well as various other things. We realized that, although we have lots more space, we actually have less wall space, so much of what was hung will be stored instead. Luckily, we have two walk-in closets this time!

But just as every rose has its thorn, our new place has a few things that are less than ideal.

  • In the kitchen, the dishwasher is placed such that you can't stand beside it and unload clean dishes directly into the cabinet. You have to put the dishes on the counter, close the dishwasher, and then put away the dishes. I'm considering switching the dishes to a different cupboard, but the thought makes me tired.
  • There is less kitchen cabinet space, so we've had to Tetris the shit out of the dishes, small appliances, plastic containers, and food. Even so, some stuff has been relegated to the walk-in closet. Happily, a pots-and-pans rack came to the rescue.
  • The coax jack in the living room is at the wrong end. Ideally, it would have been on the long wall, where we could have had the stereo, TV, and associated music all in a line. Instead we had to put most of that on the short wall, in between with door to the guest room and the balcony door, and put the music/movie cabinet next to the balcony door. But it works, so all is well.
  • The mechanical panel is close to the TV. That in itself is not a problem, but man, when the A/C kicks in it drowns out the TV, so we're constantly messing with the volume.

All in all, though, it's great. It's home. ONE MORE BOX!
