Raspberry Rose
Peach Punch


For Inkvent Day 9, we have Storm, a dark blue with silver shimmer. It's very shimmery indeed, but the shimmer doesn't really show up until the ink is dry. That's okay; I can wait.

Day 9: Storm

It's a nice contrast to Tempest (Day 4), which is more of a gray with gold shimmer.

Speaking of storms, I love watching thunderstorms in the summer. My Pop and I used to stand on our back porch and watch the lightning crackle and the thunder boom. They're best at the beach, where you can watch the lightning over the ocean. We were vacationing in Ocean City when the moon landing occurred. Neil Armstrong was climbing down the ladder at the same time as a massive thunderstorm was lighting up the ocean. I had a tough time deciding which event to watch - first man on the moon or streaks of lightning hitting the waves? The moon landing won. I figured that there would be plenty of other thunderstorms, but who knew if there would be another moon landing? 

