Ruby Blues
December 13, 2021
Check out the sheen on Ruby Blues, the ink for Day 13 of Inkvent.
I love this one - the base blue is a very very nice blue, but that red sheen! What a nice surprise - although given the name of the ink and the fact that it's a Sheen ink, I should have suspected something.
Speaking of blues, that's my favorite music genre. I love all kinds of blues: Chicago blues, country blues, jump blues, southern blues, any kind of blues.
I had the great good fortune to see B.B. King live several times. What a performer! I saw him at Carter Barron Ampitheater in DC twice, once with Bobby Blue Bland and once with the Nighthawks. (The Nighthawks are a local DC blues band and they. Are. Great.)
I've also seen Bonnie Raitt many many times. She is simply astounding. When she first started touring, she made a point of having old blues artists appear with her. I believe she had Big Mama Thornton, and I believe I saw her at Georgetown University's McDonough Arena way way way back in the day.
The blues is there when you're sad, for sure. When you've broken up with your sweetheart or when you're down to your last dime, it's the blues. But the blues is also there when things are going great, too! Get that beat goin' and jump up and dance your shoes off. Sometimes the only cure for the blues is...
More blues.