November in a Nutshell

Holidailies Returns!


Hello! It's December 1, and you know what that means - Holidailies! If you're a first-time reader, welcome to Red Nose!

Not only is it Holidailies, it's Inkvent! Fountain pen and ink aficionados may recognize this... event? product? temptation?

Anyway, the Diamine ink company puts together an Inkvent Calendar for the season, with 24 wee samples (12 ml) and one 30 ml bottle of special seasonal inks. It's basically an Advent Calendar. Instead of chocolate or jam or whiskey or Bible verses, you get ink behind each mysterious door.

Of course I bought one as soon as it was released (October) and have been jonesing for December 1 so that I could open the first tiny door and get my new ink! So without further ado, here is Inkvent #1 - Seize the Night!

Day 1: Seize the Night

It was much purple-ier when I first did the swab, but dried to this nice dark purplish brown. Although, now that I looked at the swab in bright light, it really is much more purple. Huh.

The inks come in four different formulations:

  • Standard
  • Shimmer
  • Sheen
  • Shimmer and Sheen

Seize the Night is a Standard ink, but I swear it has some gold flecks in it.

If you're not a fountain pen fan, do not fear! My posts this month won't be "all ink, all the time" posts. There's a lot to talk about, so come along for the inky ride. 
