Water Water Everywhere
Looking at the Numbers

Every Day Is A Gift

Oh my friends, every day is a gift.

Every gray hair, every wrinkle, every crow's foot is a gift.

Joe and I traveled to DC on Thursday so that we could say good-bye to our dear friend Vince. Joe has known Vince since his freshman year of high school; I've known Vince since Joe and I started dating. He was a smartass, a gourmet Italian cook, and a brilliant filmmaker.

He died in late August, two days after his 68th birthday, of a massive heart attack. His death hits hard.

People joke about getting old. I've joked about getting old. "Oh no! I'm getting old! Where's my cane? Get off my lawn! They sent me an AARP card!"

But you know what? Every day is a gift.

Rest well, Vince.

Joe, Andy, and Vince in 2019
