Pandemic Consumption
December 02, 2020
Another perennial participant in Holidailies, Visible Woman, posted a List Meme for the Plague Times, and one of the entries is Non-perishable things you have purchased in isolation.
And my answer?
So many things. Oh, so many things. So, so many things.
It started simply enough.
As soon as the Work at Home order came down, I knew I had to get a decent monitor, keyboard, and mouse or risk going blind. Oh, and a new office chair to save my back and butt.
Then came the pair of shoes, a couple of new tops.
Then it got... interesting.
We bought a bread machine and a blender. Joe immediately claimed the bread machine as his own; we have not bought a loaf of bread in months! On the other hand, I made one milkshake in the blender. But I have ingredients for an Orange Freeze - eventually I'll make one.
Then I got addicted to fountain pens - I'm up to 15 now. Accompanying the fountain pens are the fountain pen inks - so many inks! I had no inks in the Before Times; now I have inks of many colors, shimmery inks, sheening inks, samples of inks! I have a pen cleaning kit and the cutest little kittycat pen stand.
I found Galen Leather. Oh God! The Writer's Box. Notebooks. A leather folio for my A5-sized journal; another for my new A6-sized Hobonichi planner/journal.
Books, added to the "To Read" pile, including actual printed books and Kindle books.
And now, of course, 'tis the season for Christmas gifts, good God.
We are so incredibly privileged to be able to afford all this flinging of money around all willy-nilly. To offset all this selfish spending on ourselves, we give money monthly to several charities, including my personal favorite, Mighty Writers.
Hang on, my Shop app just pinged!