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July 2019
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September 2019


I drove down to the beach Saturday - the first time I've driven that far alone in years, and the first time I've taken Rinaldo on a long drive. I confess that I was a little nervous, but I reminded myself that I used to drive long distances alone all the damn time and I would be fine. Besides, unlike in my circus days, I had a phone. I'd be able to summon help with... Read more →

Jenny Linsky and Her Friends

When I was a little girl, my Mom read me a story about a shy little black cat named Jenny Linsky. I loved it, so we got another, and another, and another, all of them about Jenny and her cat friends. I recently remembered these books. Don't ask me how or why; how do memories bubble up to the surface anyway? In any case, I decided to see if they actually existed or if I... Read more →