Four Days in May
Ghosts and Zombies

May All Your Days...

... Be Circus Days!

Yesterday we went to see the latest incarnation of the Big Apple Circus and it was perfect. As soon as I saw that it was coming to our neighborhood - I mean, the venue is 4.5 miles away - I bought tickets. Third row, center. As I said, perfect.


I wore my Clown College Reunion tee shirt, just in case. Sure enough, the Brussels Sprouts butcher recognized it.

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He's Adam Kuchler, 1995 grad of Clown College. He asked, I answered; we had a quick chat just before showtime. The other clown, Mark Gindick, is a 1996 grad. They are both way more talented than I could ever hope to be.

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Adam had a solo cigar box juggling act - it was amazing and funny. (I wonder how many times I'll say "amazing" in this post?)


This post is going to be way too long, so I'm going to give the Reader's Digest Condensed Version.

The juggler? Amazing.


The acrobats? Amazing.


The trampoline kids? Amazing.

The flyers? Amazing!


Of course, there were other amazing acts, including a lovely Liberty Horse act and a sweet dog act. And the ringmaster is a woman! Yay!


The fun continued after the show. Another ex-Ringling Brothers clown, the lovely and talented Alex Barney, saw my tee shirt introduced himself to me in the vestibule. Alex is the Company Manager for the Big Apple Circus. We were joined by other ex-Ringling folks, too!

