Ten Things I Have To Do This Weekend
December 14, 2018
Yay! It's the weekend! As much as I would like to stay in my nice warm bed snoozing all weekend, there are things I must do and tasks I must complete. Here are ten of them.
- Walk, of course, at least once but preferably twice. I had my mind all made up to skip walking tonight, but somehow I did it anyway. Imagine that!
- Write our Christmas cards. If I'm really energetic, I'll go to the post office, get stamps, and send them - I'm not making any promises on that one.
- Clean the bathroom. Ugh. I have been avoiding it, but it's getting close to critical.
- Pay the rest of the bills for the month and balance the checkbook. A twofer!
- Wrap presents! I have a couple more to buy, but those will be easy.
- Do the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle. Last week I finished it without having to cheat!
- Swap out my summer tee shirts for winter turtlenecks. Come on, it's only December!
- Watch Episode 7 of Outlander, Season 4. Last week's episode was my favorite of this season, but I've liked all of them so far.
- Watch my Caps play the Buffalo Sabres. The Sabres are very good this year; it won't be an easy game for the boys.
- Write my Holidailies posts.
Stretch goal: Nap!