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October 2017
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January 2018


I was tired today. It's because I did not sleep well last night. I did my nightly ritual, which generally ensures that I sleep pretty well, but alas! It did not work last night. I woke up at 2:00 AM with terrible heartburn - luckily it was not accompanied by a vurp - and tried to swallow it away. That didn't work, so I heaved myself out of bed and chewed up two Tums. Then... Read more →

Menorahs and Mandel Bread

Today's Holidailies random prompt is: Write about an experience you've had with a holiday tradition outside your own. (For example, if you celebrate Hanukkah, what experience do you have with Kwanzaa? If you celebrate Christmas, share a memory of Hanukkah.) My first roommate in college was Jewish; I was on the downslope of being a practicing Catholic. Sue (for that was her name) was going to light the candles on her menorah during Hanukkah and... Read more →

Undoing a Decision

Today's random Holidailies prompt is: If you could change, undo, or modify one decision in your past, which would it be and why? This is an interesting question. On December 21, 1972, I decided to put off writing a four-page term paper to go to the movies with a young friend who didn't have his driver's license. We went to see Camille, starring Greta Garbo, at a theater in Georgetown, DC. I dropped him off... Read more →

The Great Huberto

Remember when I wrote about Herbie Weber , his partner Marcella, and their wonderful low tightwire act? No? Well, go follow that link and catch up, then come on back. In addition to that amazing act, Herbie also had another great act, this one a solo. He was billed as The Great Huberto, and the act was called The Slide for Life. After being introduced, Herbie walked to the bottom of the thick rope that... Read more →

TV Watching Through the Ages

SonnyeBoy got us a Roku stick for Christmas last year, and I thought "Eureka! I can now catch up on Outlander! Not only that, I can watch Amazon Prime video on the big TV set instead of my computer/laptop/phone!" And so I have. I pretty much binged on the first two seasons of Outlander, and then I had to wait through Droughtlander until Season 3 began in September. Around this time, we switched up our... Read more →

Excerpt: Oatmeal or Grits

Okay, so here's a brief excerpt from this year's NaNoWriMo effort. (Remember, this is an unedited first draft.) The scene is the circus cookhouse. "We got mugs this year, ZZ?" I asked. ZZ nodded and handed over four chipped, ceramic coffee mugs. I took one and distributed the other three to Sam, Bebop, and Joany. Bebop looked surprised. "I get a mug this year?" Al grumbled. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Bebop.... Read more →

Ho Ho Holidailies

Well, November certainly disappeared quickly, which means that it's time for Holidailies once again! You'd think that, having just completed NaNoWriMo for the first time in years, I'd never want to touch a keyboard again, but here I am. At least I don't have to write at 1,667 words every day to finish this particular internet challenge! I wanted to complete another one of my circus novels that's been languishing on my hard drive for... Read more →