A Dove Sparks a Memory
A Resolution

Another Year Bites the Dust


Well, only two hours remain in 2017. We're safe at home, snug in our comfy sweatpants and hoodies, embarking on the Thin Man marathon on TCM. We could have chosen the Twilight Zone marathon, but getting creeped out is not our idea of welcoming the new year. On the other hand, Nick and Nora Charles solving mysterious murders in high style is just the ticket.

So. Should I do a review of 2017? Or just say "So long, suckah!"?

Hmm. Tell you what - here are 10 things of note that happened in 2017.

  1. We heard a lot of music! In addition to all these, we also saw Little Feat - it was fantastic, of course!
  2. Joe had successful arthroscopic surgery in April. After many months of physical therapy, he has almost his full range of motion back!
  3. We went on three great vacations: Vero Beach, Florida in February to visit Joe's sister; Green Bay, Wisconsin in March for Weetacon; and Ocean City, Maryland in July for the beach.
  4. I made a ton of progress on The Sequel, thanks to Camp NaNoWriMo in April and July.
  5. We also took a long weekend and visited SonnyeBoy in Baltimore to see the WWE Extreme Rules rasslin' show. It was a ton of fun! SonnyeBoy clued us in on who we like and who we hate among the current crop of superstars and divas.
  6. On the SLL lymphoma front, I began having some symptoms. I lost 15 pounds without even trying (talk about your good news/bad news situation) and I started having multiple hot flashes every day. Although my labs and scans are still fine, treatment is now in the cards.
  7. We took another long weekend and visited Joe's sister at her new home in Cumberland, Maryland. (Wouldn't you like to buy her old house?) While we were there, we rode out to Deep Creek Lake to see the movie The Glass Castle. Afterwards, we made a pact that the next movie we see together has to be a comedy.
  8. We went to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire with the lovely and talented Michael and Maria Pratt. It was the first time in years that we'd been to one of these events; we had a great time! We saw plenty of ersatz knights and ladies, saw an excellent whipcracker/juggler, and cheered the lovely Circus Stella.
  9. I wrote a very short ghost story and entered it a contest sponsored by Lulu.com. It got accepted and published in their Halloween Anthology!
  10. I won NaNoWriMo! I continued another circus novel that I started in a previous NaNo. It's not done, though.

You know, it was actually a pretty good year, all things considered.

Here's to 2018! May we all have success, love, and light galore!
