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June 2017
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August 2017

Sunday Stealing: Music Music Music

The lovely and talented Bev Sykes has taken over running Sunday Stealing. I am late in congratulating her and wishing her lots of success, so I am hereby doing this week's edition, which has a music theme! I've also provided links so you can hear my choices, if that blows your skirt up. Here we go! 1: A song you like with a color in the title: Paint It Black by the Rolling Stones 2:... Read more →

Saturday 9: I Will Never Let You Down

I haven't done a Saturday 9 in a while, so here we go! Saturday 9: I Will Never Let You Down (2017) ... because Smellyann recommended Fastball Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. 1) Fastball is a trio from Austin, Texas. Austin is the capital of Texas. When you were in school, did you have to memorize the state capitals? No, I didn't have to memorize the state capitals for school, but my... Read more →

So I Went On Vacation...

I've been off work for the last week; I go back to work tomorrow. Bah. Anyway, we went down to Ocean City last Sunday for the week. Of course, it was wonderful, even though I only went down to the actual beach twice. And even then, I only went down to take short walks along the water. I didn't really swim or sunbathe. But you know what? It was fine. The weather was really hot... Read more →