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December 2016
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February 2017

Young Old

As of today, I have officially crossed the border into old-ness. According to this, I'm now a member of the "young old." I'm okay with it; it would be pretty sad if I weren't, wouldn't it? I mean, how would I resist? I can't call my member of Congress and demand that I stop growing older. One thing I've noticed is that I seem to be "cute" now. For example, Joe and I were eating... Read more →

Ebb and Flow

I had a little bit of a tough time yesterday. I slept poorly, partly the result of a nagging, nasty backache that made turning over in bed a painful undertaking. I went through cycles of too hot, too cold, too hot, too cold. And, I stayed up too late. I seem to think that staying up later means that I'll sleep better, maybe straight through for six hours. It never happens that way and I... Read more →

1000 Points!

I can't resist posting this video of the Great 8 scoring the 1000th point of his NHL career. What makes this clip even better is the announcing by John Walton, the radio voice of the Caps. "Good morning, good afternoon, and good night Pittsburgh!" Another angle of the #Ovech1Kin goal featuring @WaltonCaps' goal call. Chills. #CapsPens #RockTheRed — Washington Capitals (@Capitals) January 12, 2017 Read more →