To Fitbit Or Not To Fitbit

Oh Hi Holidailies!


Yay! It's time for Holidailies, that beloved yearly tradition wherein bloggers and/or online journalers and/or diarists solemnly swear to post once a day until the end of the year. It's also a Holidailies tradition to introduce yourself to the group, just in case someone hasn't read your blog. So here we go - ten things about me (because I'm too lazy to do more than that and I conveniently have a category called "Ten Things").

  1. My name is Mary R. Wise, an ungrammatical sentence! My parents named me Mary because, as my Pop put it, every Catholic family needs a Mary.
  2. I have a brand spankin' new Medicare card, which goes into effect on January 1, 2017. It's only for Part A, which covers hospitalizations. I don't need Part B, which covers doctor's visits and preventive care, because I'm still employed and have coverage through work.
  3. I have a form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which is not being treated until it progresses to a point where the treatment is not worse than the disease. Even so, my oncologist has classified it as Stage III, because almost all of my lymph nodes are involved.
  4. I've been married to the same handsome guy for 36 years and he still blows my skirt up.
  5. We've been getting the Blue Apron meal service for  -- damn, is it a year already? Hang on... -- holy crap, it'll be two years next March! We still like it a lot. I have eaten a shit ton of kale, collards, swiss chard, and other greens. Evidently it did nothing to prevent my cancer, but I must admit that it's tasty when it's prepared properly.
  6. That "R" in my name stands for "Ramon." It's the name of the priest who converted my Mom to Catholicism.
  7. That priest also baptized me.
  8. And married us. Our marriage prep consisted of an evening chat with him, wherein he didn't ask and we didn't tell.
  9. I wrote and published a novel loosely based on my short career as a circus clown. That book took a month to write. I've been writing the sequel for the last 12 years. Someday I'll finish it for real! I mean, it's sort of finished, in that it has an actual ending, but I kind of hate the middle. Oh well.
  10. I've been writing an online journal/diary/blog since January 1, 2002.

So there you go!
