Oh Hi Holidailies!
December 01, 2016
Yay! It's time for Holidailies, that beloved yearly tradition wherein bloggers and/or online journalers and/or diarists solemnly swear to post once a day until the end of the year. It's also a Holidailies tradition to introduce yourself to the group, just in case someone hasn't read your blog. So here we go - ten things about me (because I'm too lazy to do more than that and I conveniently have a category called "Ten Things").
- My name is Mary R. Wise, an ungrammatical sentence! My parents named me Mary because, as my Pop put it, every Catholic family needs a Mary.
- I have a brand spankin' new Medicare card, which goes into effect on January 1, 2017. It's only for Part A, which covers hospitalizations. I don't need Part B, which covers doctor's visits and preventive care, because I'm still employed and have coverage through work.
- I have a form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which is not being treated until it progresses to a point where the treatment is not worse than the disease. Even so, my oncologist has classified it as Stage III, because almost all of my lymph nodes are involved.
- I've been married to the same handsome guy for 36 years and he still blows my skirt up.
- We've been getting the Blue Apron meal service for -- damn, is it a year already? Hang on... -- holy crap, it'll be two years next March! We still like it a lot. I have eaten a shit ton of kale, collards, swiss chard, and other greens. Evidently it did nothing to prevent my cancer, but I must admit that it's tasty when it's prepared properly.
- That "R" in my name stands for "Ramon." It's the name of the priest who converted my Mom to Catholicism.
- That priest also baptized me.
- And married us. Our marriage prep consisted of an evening chat with him, wherein he didn't ask and we didn't tell.
- I wrote and published a novel loosely based on my short career as a circus clown. That book took a month to write. I've been writing the sequel for the last 12 years. Someday I'll finish it for real! I mean, it's sort of finished, in that it has an actual ending, but I kind of hate the middle. Oh well.
- I've been writing an online journal/diary/blog since January 1, 2002.
So there you go!