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February 2016
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April 2016

A Beautiful Walk

Tonight's walk was not cold; it was pretty much perfect. The beautiful evening did not prevent me from arguing with myself about taking a walk, though. I apparently like to argue with myself, especially about walking. But "Take a Walk" me won out over "Eat Dinner and Watch TV" me, so I shoved my feet into my walkin' shoes, changed my shirt, and set out. What a fine, soft evening! The sun was just beginning... Read more →

A Cold Walk

Here are a couple of geese that we met as we walked along the Schuylkill River Trail today. It was a cold, raw walk. The wind was quite gusty; when we walked back, it was cold enough to bring tears to our eyes and make our noses run. So -- not the most pleasant walk, but a walk nonetheless. I have to give a lot of credit to Joe for this on I really wasn't... Read more →

Weetacon, Gyroscope, and Curtains

After Thingadailies ended, I collapsed from the weight of keeping up with all that creativity and artsiness. So I went to Weetacon to recover. I hadn't been in four years, so it was high time for Joe and me to fly on out to the Hinterland for fun, frolic, food, and beer. And, we had all of that and more. We few, we happy few... When we got home, we both caught colds. Bah. Anyway,... Read more →