It's Thingadailies!
February 01, 2016
The wonderful folks who brought you Holidailies now bring you Thingadailies! Rather than try to explain it myself, here's the official definition:
Welcome to the 1st annual Thingadailies, a free community writing project where all participants commit to making one thing every day during the month of February, and sharing / talking about it on their blogs. What "thing" each person makes is entirely up to them. Some participants may decide to make a variation on the same thing every day, while others may switch it up from day to day or week to week.
I decided that participating in this collective creativity would be good for me, so here we go!
My first Thing: an origami owl.
I was heavily into origami in the late 90s and early 2000s. I got into it when Joe told me that he wanted a dodecahedron for Christmas. After googling same, I found out that there is a whole genre of origami that centers around geometric objects. So, I found an easy way to construct a dodecahedron... and a whole lot of other stuff.
Then, as is my wont, my interest waned. I haven't done any folding for years, so I figured that Thingadailies would be a nice way to ease back into it.
Hoot hoot!