How About a Date?
The Siren Song of the Chair

The Christmas Quiz

Mellificent and Pearl have done this Christmas quiz, so I have decided to jump on the bandwagon too!

1. Do you know what you want for Christmas already?
All I want is peace in this house! Okay, I actually want whatever I happen to get. I confess that I did drop a couple of hints.
2. Have you done any Christmas shopping yet?
Yes, I'm done! I just waiting for one more shipment to arrive. And then -- the wrappening!
3. Do you like Christmas?
I love Christmas. I always have and always will.
4. At whose house will you celebrate this year?
We're planning to travel to Maryland for the annual Christmas Eve party at my sister's -- or, as she put it, the Forced Family Fun.
5. Is there someone in your family you are not looking forward to seeing this Christmas? If so who, and why?
No. I love everyone in my family, even if they don't agree with me.
6. Do you decorate the tree early, or late?
We have a wreath on the door, and pine roping and lights on the balcony. The tree is bought and up, but it isn't decorated yet. This weekend, for sure!
7. Do you use tinsel?
No. We used it when I was a kid, but it's worse than pine needles to clean up.
8. Do you own any antique Christmas bulbs?
I did, but alas, it got broken.
9. Do you put a star or an angel on the top of your Christmas tree?
We have an angel, but she might be too heavy for our wee tree. If so, I'll use an origami wreath that I made a few years ago.
10. Do you hang stockings?
No, we haven't for a few years. But I saw these cute mini-stockings at Target, and I very tempted to get them for Joe, SonnyeBoy, and me.
11. Do you drink eggnog?
I love it, especially with some rum in it.
12. Have you eaten a candy cane this year yet?
Not yet, but there's a box on the kitchen counter!
