Previous month:
August 2012
Next month:
October 2012

Let Me Sum Up

Since I last updated, I have continued this absurd fixation with taking care of myself. I have walked every single day -- one day I even got off the subway one stop early and took the longer walk up the hill to my office. I also started walking to the subway after work instead of catching the work shuttle. I know! I have also lost a smidgeon more weight. So now that it actually seems... Read more →

One Step At A Time

I started this here blog back in the olden days -- January 1, 2002. I was in the throes of a weight loss program and had already lost 20 pounds. I'd started losing weight because I'd had a bout of viral meningitis. My blood pressure was sky high (like stroke level high), I had sleep apnea, and my blood sugar was nearing diabetes levels. I stuck religiously to the diet. I exercised a lot too... Read more →

The Best Game You Can Name: Locked Out

As August fades into September and September slides toward October, I usually start getting excited. Why? Hockey. Not this year. This year the fall appears bleak and gray; the winter looms silent and icy. The NHL has locked out the players. Neither side wants to budge, with the sticking point being the division of revenues. The players currently receive 57%; the owners want to cut that to 47%. In effect, that's about a 17% pay... Read more →

Pull Up Your Goddamn Pants: Androgyny Edition

I am all for people being who they are, all for folks flying their freak flags, all for everyone finding a special place on the wonderful and rich continuum of gender identities. But I am going to tell you to pull up your goddamn pants no matter how you identify. This person's sag is not terribly egregious, but still -- I can see your drawers. Pull 'em up. Location: NoMa Metro Sag Factor: 3 Read more →

Ancestors, Hon!

My Facebook friends know that I've been doing some family research on I was particularly interested in seeing what I could find out about my mom's father's family. Well, I hit the jackpot! I was able to trace my grandfather's family back to his grandfather -- my great great grandfather. He was born about 1803, my great grandfather was born about 1824, and my grandfather was born about 1869. We're all Maryland born too,... Read more →