December 10, 2011
A sure sign of the approaching holidaze is my pal's annual cookie-baking extravaganza! This gal is one of my juggling pals, and she always invites me and another juggling pal to join her in the bake-a-thon. I couldn't stay as long as I normally do because I had to pick Joe up from work, but I did manage to bake two and half dozen walnut cookies and two and half dozen chewy oatmeal raisin (except I didn't use raisins; I used fruit bits. They make a chewier, more flavorful cookie, I think. Also? Walnuts.)
I brought the recipes for sugar cookies, snickerdoodles, and blondies too. Yes, I tend to overestimate how much I can do in the space of three hours!
My pal made thumprint cookies and peanut butter blossoms and Russian tea cakes, but hey! She had a helper! Our other pal did the scooping and the rolling and sprinking with colored sugar and crushed peppermint. So I stand by my achievement.
We stirred and baked and decorate, and drank tea and yakked and caught up with each other. We used to see each other weekly, but we have all neglected the juggling club in the past months. I'm glad we get together for this though; it's always fun and really, you can't argue with the outcome.
Luckily, I got to bring home some of everything, so we are officially awash in cookies. This, my friends, is a good thing.