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October 2010
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December 2010

Thirty Days of Truth 11 and Other Stuff

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on. This one is really easy. I get the most compliments on my pumpkin pie, which is the best pumpkin pie in the whole entire world. I have even gotten emails from complete strangers who found the recipe through a Google search telling me how awesome this pie is. Modesty, however, prevents me from taking full credit for this creation, because it's my gramma's... Read more →

Thirty Days of Truth 10

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know. Y'know, I'm having a little trouble with this one. I suppose I wish I didn't know some of the people from my past -- various boyfriends or criminals or psychos or false friends -- but they're in my past and the past is gone. There's no one in my present life that meets the criteria for this day's topic. And that,... Read more →

Chocolate Cake In A Coffee Mug

Would you like some chocolate cake? Of course you would. So have some -- make it in five minutes; bake it in three; enjoy it as slowly as you possibly can but I guarantee it won't last longer than the time it took to cook it. Ingredients 4 tbsp flour 4 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp cocoa 1 egg 3 tbsp milk 3 tbsp oil 3 tbsp chocolate chips (optional) (but really really really really good)... Read more →

Thirty Days of Truth 9

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted. Well, see Day 1. The problem with not keeping up with the people in your life is that they drift away. I did, however, make a conscious decision to let one person drift away. She was a good friend, but she got angry at me for something pretty trivial and ended our friendship without even telling me why -- I had to... Read more →

Things I Am Doing

1. Procrastinating with Nanowrimo. I have not written very much, but I have been thinking deeply about one of the characters in this book. She is going to change; she is too much of a stupid caricature in the current version. I have thought more about her backstory and now I'm puzzling over how she needs to behave and push the story forward. So maybe I'm not really procrastinating -- I'm incubating. 2. Practicing a... Read more →

Thirty Days of Truth 8

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit. There was a point in my working life -- 20 years ago or so -- when the thought of getting into a car wreck or coming down with a serious illness or being a victim of some sort of disaster was incredibly appealing to me. Mind you, I didn't want to die or be permanently disabled. I just dreaded going to... Read more →

Thank You For Your Service

Today Americans and Canadians honor those who serve in the military; those who protect and defend us from those who would harm us. There are lots of vets in my own family. My great-uncle Earl served in World War I. My Pop and my father-in-law served in World War II. My cousin served in Korea. My brother served in Vietnam. I am grateful for their service and for the service of all who serve, men... Read more →

Thirty Days of Truth 7

Well, I did have to edit this topic and delete a renegade "for" that was hanging on to the end of the phrase. But that's neither here nor there; the question remains: Who in my life has made my life worth living? Pretty much everyone in my life, past and present, has made my life worth living. Perhaps that's a cop-out, but I really can't choose. Everyone, from my family to my friends to everyone... Read more →

Thirty Days of Truth 6

Day 5: Something You Hope You Never Have to Do I've been thinking about this one a lot. I am just superstitious enough to want to keep my truly darkest fear to myself. Instead, I will say that I hope I never have to find another job. I really like my job, even on days like today. Today was just one of those "one thing after another" days -- it wasn't bad; it was just... Read more →