At Long Last, A Love List
July 30, 2010
I have not done one of these in weeks and weeks and it's high time.
As I was walking home from the bus stop on this perfect afternoon, I realized that I've worrying a lot this past week. I've worried about Joe, about work, about money, about everything and anything, It didn't occur to me that I'd been worrying, but when I woke up with headaches -- really, more like face-aches -- every day this week I knew I'd been grinding my teeth in my sleep. And I do that when I'm worried.
Anyway. Back to the love list!
I love:
- Joe, who does not have a hole in his heart. I am really glad and relieved about this, even though we still don't know what caused his weird episodes. I am going to trust that we will find out. We just will.
- The smell of freshly mowed grass.
- Perfect days, with low humidity and sunny skies and light breezes.
- Going to lunch with my group at work. They are a great bunch.
- Shortbread cookies.
- Good jokes.
- Sleeping well.
- The feel of cool air as the fan wafts it over me.
- Gold Bond Medicated Powder.
- Smoothie and White Whisker (aka Greedy Gus), our semi-feral cats.
- Having dreams about my mom, even though they make me sad, too.
- Cool nights.
- Doing demos of my work in progress and having people like it. Whew.
- Realistic, even conservative, deadlines. Unbelievable!
- All of you. Really.