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March 2010
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May 2010

Church Street: Ashton United Methodist Church

Happy Easter! There's no "method" to my choosing Ashton United Methodist Church for today's house of worship along Church Street; it just happened that way. The site describes the congregation this way: We are called to connect people to God, connect people to one another; and connect ourselves in Christian ministry to a broken and hurting people. We welcome with the love of Christ all persons, regardless of race, religious affiliation, or handicapping conditions. Come... Read more →

I Guess I Just Miss Her

Joe had to work today so I stayed home. I didn't have anything in particular to do, so I watched a movie, made the bed, put a new battery in the clock, watched some more TV, made a late lunch, got and sorted through the mail, watched some more TV, noodled around on the computer. It's so weird to have nothing to do on a Saturday. For years, literally years and years, my Saturdays were... Read more →

April Fool And Good Friday

I'm not very good at pulling April Fool's jokes, but I do appreciate a good prank. I know a lot of folks who thought Google's was kinda lame, but I thought it was pretty funny. Topeka. Really. With the experience I've had in Corporate World, I wouldn't put it past them. There were a few other very clever jokes posted yesterday. I quite enjoyed this one and this one from the folks at Articulate, and... Read more →