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February 2010
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April 2010

Stars In The Black Night Sky

Riding in the big wooden sleigh pulled by two huge Percherons named Jim and Dora, I leaned back and gazed into the black night sky, chock full of stars, Orion decked out in his shining belt, and I realized that, for the first time since the new year, I was happy. Isn't it funny that the tears again came falling down my face. At least no one could see them, there in the dark. But... Read more →

Dancing With Grief

The last couple of weeks have been a wild roller coaster ride, ups and downs, g-force curves, and unexpected twists in dark tunnels. I haven't slept well at all; I fall sound asleep but then wake up and my brain goes into fretty overdrive over things I can't control. I tell myself it will all be fine, I keep telling myself, it will be okay, it's all just details, just bumps in the road, everything... Read more →