A Full Course Dinner
Ten Good Things About This Mother's Day

Pocket Room, Pogue Review, Planes Remaining

The lovely and talented Fredlet emailed me asking for pictures of my cute lil pie-slice pocket room. Here's a view from the armchair. I'm standing as far away from the bed as I can get.


You can see the flat screen TV there on the left. That milky window looks into the bathroom. If you look closely, you can see my iPod nano in the dock on the clock radio.

Okay, now a look from the other direction.


Here I'm standing right in front of the TV. See the floor-to-ceiling windows? Every once in awhile I'd kind of glance down and get a little bit of the heebie jeebies.

Anyway, enough about the room. The keynote speaker for the conference was David Pogue, of the Dummies books fame. He was wonderful! His speech, on the power of simplicity, was insightful, thoughtful, and hilarious. He even sang for us!


The rest of the conference was very good; most of the sessions I went to had a lot to offer, especially the session on using games immersive learning simulations and the progression session on writing effective questions.

And, I kinda lucked out on the trip home -- maybe the travel gods figured I'd suffered enough back in March. There were thunderstorms all day, which doesn't bode well for air travel, so I went to the airport way early in hopes of a snagging an earlier flight.

Lo and behold, I did! For the grand sum of $50.01, I was able to switch to another flight, take off in between lines of storms, and get home three hours before I would have on my original flight. Score!

As we were taxi-ing across Georgia, we passed this lineup. I have a feeling that a lot of folks may not have been as lucky as I was.

