It's Just A Little Stage Fright
By The Lake

It Went Fine

I'm home. I'm tired. But it's okay. The presentation went just fine, although I did sort of leave out a whole chunk of content that I wanted to talk about. No matter; if I ever get to do this presentation again I'll stick a slide in to remind me to talk about it.


It's nice to see smiling faces before starting a presentation.

The venue was great, but I would expect that from a meeting room on the Microsoft campus! Alex, my lovely assistant, got me set up using the main projection screen and a wireless remote to advance the slides, so yay. Luckily -- because I am paranoid about these things -- I had the presentation on my netbook and on a thumb drive, so all I had to do was turn over the thumb drive and voila! Presentation!

The clouds and rain returned this morning. No problem with that, though; my flight left at 7:00 am.

And so, back to work!
