It's A Major Award!

A Smooth Trip Home And A Great Game

I woke up in Pasadena at 4:30 Friday morning, took a shower, packed up the last few things, and made my way down to the lobby. I'd woken up with a start, wondering if my colleague had ordered a cab for our ride to Burbank airport or if I had flaked and was supposed to have done it.

Luckily, I had not flaked. Even luckier, my colleague had arranged for a town car! Sa-weet!

So we got to the airport in good time, I checked my bag, bought a bagel and a juice, and caught my flight.

My connection in Phoenix was quite close; so close that the flight was boarding when I got to the gate. Of course, I had to hike a mile to get from one gate to the other -- isn't that always the way? But the flight was smooth and uneventful, and the snack box was tasty, and I was even able to doze a good bit of the way.

When I landed in Baltimore, Joe was right there to pick me up. He brought my jersey and ticket, and we went straight from the airport to the hockey game! I thought I'd be really tired, but I was really energized instead. Perhaps it was Ovie's two goals. Perhaps it was Potsy's first goal since he came back from a debilitating concussion. Perhaps it was the marriage proposal during the pick-the-puck game.

YES! There was a marriage proposal!! Pick-the-puck is one of those cute games they play during TV commercial breaks. In this one, the selected contestant has to watch the big screen as three animated pucks are shuffled, then the contestant has to pick the puck that has the fancy logo underneath. A lovely young lady was the night's contestant; her boyfriend was by her. She picked Puck #2. So before they reveal the winner, you see Puck #1 get shot into a slot; then LOSER! flashes on the screen. Then Puck #3 gets shot; LOSER! appears once more. Finally Puck #2 gets shot. Normally WINNER! flashes up on the big screen; instead, WILL YOU MARRY ME? was displayed.

The crowd gasped! Then the camera focused on the winner and her boyfriend. He was kneeling, asking her to marry him in person, offering a ring. A moment of tension!

She nods!! They hug and kiss! The crowd goes wild!!


And to make a great night perfect, the Caps won!
