I Made My Deadline Love List
February 20, 2009
I just sent a big project off for review, so I'm feeling free! At least as free as you can feel when you know that the excrement will surely hit the propeller on Monday, when I have to turn my attention to another MUST DO NOW project.
As we used to say in the circus, "It's a hell of a life!"
Anyway, it's Friday and I'm feeling like a Love List.
- First and foremost, watch this unbelievably sick goal by the Great 8, Alex Ovechkin. I love that we saw this live on Wednesday night. We sit high above the arena, just to the left of the net, and saw the puck go in. The place went nuts!
I love Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer tea. It has replaced my evening cup of coffee. I love Joe. Just thought I'd throw that in there. I love love love Friday Night Lights. The storylines are much improved from last season and the acting is amazing, especially the kid who play Matt Saracen. I have been missing it on Friday nights lately, so... I love On Demand. I love my new Dell Mini-9. I'm still working out a few glitches to do with the wireless (and it's on my network end, not the Mini's) and I'm getting used to the placement of a couple keys on the tiny little wee keyboard, but I adore the fact that it came equipped with Minesweeper, FreeCell, and (AND!) Mah Jong. And it fits IN MY PURSE! I love that, because of the wealth of games on the Mini, I have finally torn myself away from Snood. And now it is almost time to lock up the laptop, turn off the light, and head for the Metro. Why? Another hockey game, of course!