I Tried To Ignore It
January 11, 2009
I tried to ignore it. After all, I had a hockey game (bah!), lunch with Mom and the sibs, and a party scheduled for this weekend. I had no time for another goddamn cold.
Well, it had time for me. Sensing that I had nothing on my schedule today, the acute viral nasopharyngitis germs got together and launched a full frontal attack. My nose was so stuffed up that I actually thought Joe's version of the nasal lavage was a good idea. Lemme tell ya, it does the job, if you like choking and gagging.
Today I sent him out for NyQuil and Afrin. I read and slept, and slept and read, and sort of watched some football, and then slept a little more. I also coughed a lot. It's a good thing that Joe was the only person I saw today, because I farted every time I coughed. I know, I'm a delicate little flower, aren't I?
However, in a stunning instance of synchronicity, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. It's supposedly just a blood pressure check -- surprise, doc!
A little while ago I felt just alive enough to take a steamy shower -- this time I actually dried my hair until it was actually dry -- so I feel slightly more human.
Just in time for the NyQuil to knock me out.