Can You Tell I'm A Little Bored?
Light 'n Drizzly

Let's Have A Blessing For Turkey With Dressing

A Thanksgiving meme, lifted from Bev:

1.  What are you thankful for this year?

The serious stuff:

  • My mom is still with us, physically frail but feisty as ever.
  • I still have a job that I enjoy, that makes me think, and that keeps me learning new things.
  • My son and my husband.
  • Friends, both real and imaginary.

The silly stuff:

  • Pie.
  • iTunes.
  • Comedy.
  • Movies.
  • Season tickets to the Capitals.
  • Jim Zorn. (I'm horny for Zorny!) (Sorry, family inside joke.)
  • Frozen fun-size Three Musketeers bars.

2. What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

Sleeping in, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, turkey and five starches, pumpkin pie, and family jokes.

3. What is your favorite part of the holiday? / your least favorite?

My favorite part is the dinner, naturally. Or, maybe it's the anticipation of the dinner! My least favorite part is saying goodbye to everyone at the end. Unlike many folks and contrary to the generally accepted belief that all family gatherings are fraught with drama and angst, ours are joyful and fun. And believe me, I am very thankful for that!

4. Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes?

Neither! I'm a stuffing gal! (Shut! Up!)

5. Do you own eating pants? Describe.

Of course I do. "Eating pants" is just another name for "yoga pants".

6.  What is your favorite thing to do with the Thanksgiving leftovers?

Eat them. Pumpkin pie for breakfast is splendid.

7.  Who are you most looking forward to seeing?  Least?

I really can't single out any one person -- I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. There's no one I'm not looking forward to seeing today -- see number 3.

8.  Do you go shopping the day after Thanksgiving?

Oh. Hell. No. Actually, I used to. I got over it.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
