Sort Of A Love List
It's Catching

Too Much Fun

I am really really tired tonight -- it might be because I may have had too much fun this weekend. I must do something about that. I gave y'all a preview on Friday, so let's review!

  • I made the pies after my Caps went down to defeat. Hurray and yet, alas!
  • Took mom to lunch on Saturday afternoon. It was good, though always tinged with sadness.
  • After that, jumped on the subway (with two pies!) and headed to the aforementioned get-together. I had a great time! I finally got to meet the lovely and talented Barbara, the hostess. Her husband grills excellent chicken, and the other three lovely and talented women were great fun.
  • I met Joe at Verizon Center for the Caps home opener -- WOO! We beat the Blackhawks, 4 to 2 -- and then had a late-night nosh at Tastee Diner. I love breakfast at midnight.
  • Sunday! The high-school pals got together at the Annapolis Yacht Club for brunch. We yakked and drank and ate and laughed and yakked. It was, as always, a wonderful time. It's nice to have rich pals.
Yacht Annapolis Yacht Club. Oh hell yeah.
  • Sunday night I kept my appointment with the inhabitants of Bon Temps. I am, dare I say, hooked.
  • Yesterday? BlogHer DC! It was very very good. Excellent swag -- my favorite score was a combination pen, laser pointer, and 1 gig jump drive. The sessions were good, but the closing panel was great! It featured Carol Jenkins, Leslie Stahl, Mary Ann Akers, and Liz Mair talking about how the use of social media has changed the political process. Really interesting discussion. And, of course, I got to meet a bunch of great women.
Lisa Stone (moderator), Carol Jenkins, Leslie Stahl, Liz Mair, Mary Ann Akers
  • I had to leave BlogHer before the cocktail party because I had to meet Joe at -- where else? -- the hockey game! This time my Capitals whupped up on the Canucks, beating them 5 to 1, and holding them to record low 10 shots on goal. The scenery was interesting, too.
Boys will be boys!

Today? Exhausted. Maybe I should consider simply curling up on the sofa and reading a good book during the weekend rather than flitting about from one fun-filled activity to the next.

