It's Catching
Yes, Sis, I Stayed Home Today

Ten Things About This Cold And Other Stuff

I'm feeling crappy, so rather than a Love List, here are ten things about why I'm feeling crappy. Kind of.

1. The cold has settled in, both as a disease and as weather. I know, I know; it's not really all that cold. Shut up. I feel crappy.

2. No bonus for you! Okay, then. If they won't pay me to stay, they can pay me to leave.

3. Projects keep popping up like Whack-a-Moles, then retreating just as I'm getting going on them.

4. Mom called me at 4:55 pm to tell me that the power was out in her building. I told we were taking her to lunch tomorrow and she got all weepy, as if I had presented her with the Hope Diamond. Oh, it makes me very very sad.

5. Scratchy, scratchy throat.

6. Deep, raspy cough.

7. Icky, icky sinus drip.

8. Cranky, cranky me.

9. Joe is just as miserable as I am.

10. I want my Pop to fix me some crushed ice with vanilla and sugar.

But -- the Caps beat the Pens. So there. I guess it ain't all doom and gloom. Pass the goddamn NyQuil.
