Year Five: It's A Go
October 29, 2007
I seriously considering skipping NaNoWriMo this year. Whenever I thought about it, or read another email from the NaNoWriters Yahoo! group, or looked at the dust-covered binder containing the still-unfinished neverending sequel, I filled up with a lot of eehh.
So I figured that I might as well skip it this year.
But in the last week I got excited again. A little idea popped into my head for a very thoughtful, sort of dark and brooding story -- one that might even be considered (dare I say it?) Litahrahry Fiction. The idea simmered a little bit and I mentioned it to Joe.
He said, "Can you say 'catharsis'?"
All of a sudden the idea, which had been this bitter little ball, exploded into a big old slapstick comedy. Much more like it! Of course, I still don't know how it's all going to play out, because that, my friends, is how I roll. However, I do know that wheelchair races and high-stakes Bingo will be featured.
Now I'm looking forward to the madness. I went to two kickoff parties this weekend, one for Maryland and one for DC, and gabbed with friendly folks from previous years and folks who are just now dipping a toe into the tub. I talked about my idea and got even more jazzed up.
So what the heck. I will attend write-ins. I will unearth my spreadsheet. I may even blog it.
But most of all, for the fifth year in a row, I will write.