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February 2006
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April 2006

A Tour of UT

The Tower at the University of Texas Originally uploaded by Bozoette. While I was in Austin, my pal Marian and I met up with our friend Hillary, who teaches at the University of Texas. She took us on a whirlwind tour of the beautiful campus. I love college campuses; they are all different, and yet all the same. The students, the professors, the mix of old buildings and new construction -- cities of learning. On... Read more →

The Country 10 Commandments

Today I went to the Sunday morning service at the Cowboy Church of Llano, Texas. It was a great service, enhanced by the gospel family band, the good preaching on the theme of "Be true to yourself", and the friendly folks who greeted me as if I were their long-lost friend. I especially like the posting of the Country 10 Commandments: There is only one God. No false Gods. No cuss'n. Cheatin' is forbidd'n. Mind... Read more →

Where I'm From

Mom and Pop,1933 Originally uploaded by Bozoette. I found this lovely exercise on Cosmic's site, and followed her link to the origin. If you'd like to give it a try, here's the template. Where I'm From I am from Sunday dinner, from Pond's cold cream and fresh hot coffee. I am from the big white house with the dark green shutters and great big yard, and I am from the Atlantic ocean beach, hot in... Read more →

Xtreme Movie Quote Trivia! -- The Answers

And the winner, with four out of ten, the lovely and talented LA! 1. White white white, is the color of our carpet. Clue: He's named after a car. Answer: The Producers (1968 original), Carmen Ghia, played by Andreas Voutsinas The original is still the best -- it features Zero Mostel as Max and a very young Gene Wilder as Leo. When Max and Leo go to visit the director they want for the show,... Read more →

Xtreme Movie Quote Trivia!

Joe and I were canoodling in bed last night and started hurling our favorite movie quotes at each other, as we are wont to do. This little game gave me an idea for a little game, to see just how familiar y'all are with the movies that I am in love with. Presenting: Xtreme Movie Quote Trivia! The Rules: Each quote comes from a movie. Some movies are recent; some are not. Some of the... Read more →

Purses! Spoiled Again!

So! Sheryl over at Paper Napkin talked about purses today and invited readers to submit photos of the insides of their purses. How could I refuse such an interesting request?? I sent in a couple pictures, then I thought, "Well, what the hell -- why not make an entry out of this?" I am a utilitarian purse owner. While I love gazing at beautiful bags, something in me refuses to spend inordinate amounts of money... Read more →

Food, Friends, Family

It's been quite a productive and entertaining weekend! I woke up out of a vivid dream yesterday morning to find a cup of coffee on the nightstand -- I think the aroma eventually seeped into my senses and told me "Hey! Get up!" So I did -- and came downstairs to a plate of pancakes. That Joe -- what a guy, eh? Ah, it was all a bribe to ensure my help in putting SonnyeBoy's... Read more →

No More Calls, Please

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Erin go braless! Slainte! May you die in bed at 95, shot by a jealous spouse! (Can you tell I actually had a Guinness for lunch? I did. Shame on me. Hic.) We have a local city rag here called, appropriately enough, the Washington City Paper. It features insightful articles, reviews, and lots of classified advertising for lots of different things, from "rooms for rent" to "spankings for rent." One section... Read more →